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RA Poll: Top 20 compilations of 2010

RA plays selector, dialing up the top mixes and compilations of the year.

Here at the end of 2010, commercial mixes and compilations have never appeared more threatened. New podcast series crop up just about every other week, many of which notch up the same artists the CD series are shooting for. With so many free mixes flowing through the ether, their jewel-cased counterparts look increasingly obsolete.

But just like last year and the year before (and maybe even the year before that), mixes and compilations continue to buck the odds. Podcasts may be getting more and more clicks every week, but the old guard aren't doing so badly either: tried and tested series like fabric, DJ-KiCKS and Immer all place handsomely this year, alongside collections from classic labels like Ninja Tune and Defected. And with a gaggle of new series continuing to pick up momentum, it seems like the mix compilation still has some life left. Here's hoping it stays that way.

01. Ben Klock - Berghain 04 [Ostgut Ton]
02. Michael Mayer - Immer 3 [Kompakt]
03. DBridge & Instra:Mental - Autonomic - FabricLive.50 [Fabric]
04. Ewan Pearson - We Are Proud of Our Choices [Kompakt]
05. Optimo - Fabric 52 [Fabric]
and so on...

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